domingo, 18 de enero de 2015


Este es el segundo test de nivel intermedio que aquí publicamos. Para resolverlo, necesitará copiarlo y pegarlo en un archivo WORD o similar.

Si lo desea, puede pedir las respuestas vía e-mail o mediante un comentario.

I.- Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1) All / None the students are having a break now.

2) Barcelona has a higher / the highest population than Valencia.

3) Both / All Susan and Peter are taking part in the competition.

4) Don't touch this body ! He's death / dead.

5) He isn't as big / the same big as his brother.

6) I find going to the cinema a lot more interesting / the most interesting than watching tv.

7) I haven't got much / many time to waste.

8) In my opinion, Scotland has more beautiful / the most beautiful countryside in the world.

9) Is the baby still / yet sleeping? No, he's just woken up.

10) Is there any / anything we can do for you?

11) Most of / Most my students speak two languages.

12) Our trip to Mallorca last year was one of the more enjoyable / most enjoyable holidays we've never / ever had.

13) Some / Any of my friends have a driving license.

14) The police nearly / near discovered the criminal.

15) There isn't somewhere / anywhere to park in this area.

16) There was a bank robbery / rob at 8 pm yesterday.

17) There were a lot / few of people at the party.

18) I've had an argument with my boyfriend. We're not speaking to ourselves / each other.

19) Your computer isn't so good / better as mine.

20) He's very good at / in painting.

21) All / Everyone I invited came to my party.

22) Both Frank and Paul has / have a lot of spare time.

II.- Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) Bats are animals that sleep ___ the day and fly ___ night.

2) He is such an adventurer ! He has travelled all ___ the world.

3) My brother has been ill ___ a week.

4) I always leave the key ___ the doormat when I leave home.

5) I have a cut ___ my knee and it really hurts.

6) I've just bought some apples but there isn't a good one ___ them.

7) Keep your shoes ___ the rug, please. I don't want it to get dirty.

8) My son keeps his toys ___ a big box ___ a corner of the room.

9) Take those papers ___ of the drawer and give them to me.

10) The alarm clock fell ___ the bedside table but it didn't break.

11) The car was driving ___ the station ___ the end of the street but it stopped in front of my restaurant.

12) Suddenly, a rabbit ran ___ the road in front of the car.

III.- Put the following words in the correct order to form a meaningful sentence.

1) behind / The / in / was / angrily / man / the / shouting / car

2) She / home / as / she / walked / back / quickly / could / as

3) like / that / looks / and / house / Peter / Fiona's

4) curly / She's / wears / got / long / hair / glasses / and

5) river / is / deep / This / swim / enough / to / not / in

6) the / whole / He / asleep / film / was / during

IV.- Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.

a, all, another, both, every (x2), few, her, neither, none, other, the (x2), their

When Michelle got to ___ bus stop, there was ___ woman there too. After a ___ minutes they started chatting and get on the same bus to the city centre. Soon, they realised they were ___ going to the same place. The ___ woman was also on ___ way to Millicent Computers for ___ job interview. ___ of them knew much about the company or the position offered. They had seen it advertised in ___ Sunday papers. They both bought the papers ___ Sunday to look for work, but ___ of the job ads were very interesting. In the case of this job, it seemed you had to work ___ weekends and almost ___ night. As they were getting to ___ stop, they saw a long queue of people waiting at the entrance door to Millicent Computers.

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


En INGLESPEDIA, no creemos que sea muy necesaria la enseñanza de el ALFABETO, al menos en los primeros días del aprendizaje del Inglés. La explicación en el siguiente artículo.


A = A, éi

B = Bí

C = Sí

D = Dí

E = I

F = Ef

G = yi

H = Éich

I = Ái

J = Yéi

K = Kéi

L = El

M = Em

N = En

O = Óu

P = Pi

Q = Kíu

R = Ar

S = Es

T = Ti

U = Iú

V = Vi

W = Dábel iú

X = Iks, éks

Y = Uái

Z = Zi


a) Para deletrear el nombre (name) y/o apellido (surname, last name)

b) Para deletrear el nombre de un lugar (calle, ciudad, etc), objeto, etc.


Algunas letras del ALFABETO, también son homófonás de NOUNS, SUBJECTS, VERBS, etc.

1.- A = A = Uno, una

2.- B = Bee = Abeja

3.- I = I = Eye = Yo, Ojo

4.- Q = Queue = Cue = Cola, Pista

R = Are = Plural del verbo TO BE

5.- T = Tea = Té

6.- U = You = Tu, usted, ustedes, vosotros

7.- Y = Why = ¿Por qué?


Para una mejor comprensión de el ALPHABETO al deletrear un nombre de persona, animal o cosa, existe un código del mismo por el que británicos y estadounidenses se guian.

a) UK

A = Apple

B = Berry

C = Charlie

D = Dick

E = Edward

F = Freddy

G = George

H = Henry

I = Italy

J = John

K = King

L = Leather

M = Mother

N = Nothing

O = Orange

P = Peter

Q = Queen

R = Robert

S = Sugar

T = Tommy

U = Uncle

V = Victory

W = William

X = X-Ray

Y = Yellow

Z = Zero

b) USA

A = Adams

B = Boston

C = Chicago

D = Denver

E = Edward

F = Frank

G = George

H = Henry

I = Ida

J = John

K = King

L = Lincoln

M = Mother

N = Ned

O = Ocean

P = Peter

Q = Queen

R = Robert

S = Sugar

T = Tommy

U = Union

V = Victory

W = William

X = X-Ray

Y = Young

Z = Zero

NOTA .- Otro código que es muy conocido por algunas películas de guerra y espaciales, es el siguiente.


A = Alfa

B = Bravo

C = Charlie

D = Delta

E = Eco

F = Foxtrot

G = Golf

H = Hotel

I = India

J = Juliet

K = Kilo

L = Lima

M = Mike

N = November

O = Oscar

P = Papa

Q = Quebec

R = Romeo

S = Sierra

T = Tango

U = Uniform

V = Victory

W = Whisky

X = X-Ray

Y = Yankee

Z = Zulu


1) Empezar por deletrear un nombre de forma normal. Nombre propio, apellido, el nombre de un objeto, etc.

2) Si quereís, podeís practicar con uno de los códigos (según vuestra área o tipo de Inglés UK o USA) aquí descritos.

NOTA.- Como se puede ver, la pronunciación de las letras del ALFABETO, no tiene nada que ver con la pronunciación de las palabras en Inglés.

martes, 6 de enero de 2015


Al inicio de cada año, todos (o casi), hacemos nuevos propósitos que deseamos desarrollar a lo largo del mismo. Aunque a veces, nos cuesta un poco más de lo que esperamos, el completarlos.

Algunos de esos propósitos son, dejar de fumar, aprender a cocinar, apuntarse a clases de gimnasia, hacer "Pilates" y el de aprender Inglés.

En este primer artículo de 2015, INGLESPEDIA os va ayudar con los 2 últimos.

Se trata de hacer "Pilates" (Pilátiz) siguiendo sus instrucciones en Inglés.

NOTA 1.- Con este artículo, queremos acercar el Inglés aún más a las acciones de la vida cotidiana.

1.- Breve Historia de Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates was born near Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1880. He was a sickly child, plagued with rickets, asthma, and rheumatic fever. His drive to overcome these ailments led him to explore and practice bodybuilding, gymnastics, diving, and other physical pursuits. He studied Eastern and Western philosophies and forms of exercise and was greatly influenced by ancient Greek and Roman regimens.

In 1912, Pilates traveled to England as a circus performer in a living Greek statue act. When World
War I broke out, he was interned in a camp on the Isle of Man along with other German nationals. While there, he taught and practiced his physical fitness program and began devising apparatus to aid in the rehabilitation of the disabled and sick.

Pilates was a disciplined man, as his teaching and his physical condition and performance reveal. His
work shows the influence of yoga, gymnastics, boxing, martial arts, and Eastern and Western philosophies.

He revered the simplicity of movement and the elegance of nature’s design of the body, both human and animal. Many early articles on Pilates describe his passion for animals and animal-like movement, which is indicated by the names he gave to several of the exercises.

Over the course of his career Pilates developed more than 600 exercises for the various pieces of
apparatus that he invented.

An extensive repertoire of exercises, from fundamental to master level, can
be done on each piece of apparatus.

Source : Pilates / Rael Isacowitz. -- Second edition.


- Sickly = Enfermiz@
- Drive = Conducción
- Ailment = Enfermedad, achaque, padecimiento
- Pursuit = Pasatiempo
- Performer = Artista
- Break out = Desatar, estallar
   (bréik áut)
- Devise = Inventar
- Revere = Admirar
- Develop = Desarrollar

2.- The Body

- Abdominal = Abdominal
- Achilles tendon = Tendón de Aquiles
   (akílis téndon)
- Ankle = Tobillo
- Arm = Brazo
- Back = Espalda
- Biceps = Biceps
- Breast = Pecho (Female)
- Chest = Pecho (Male)
- Diaphragm = Diafragma
- Elbow = Codo
- Foot = Pie / Feet = Pies
   (fút / fiit)
- Gluteals = Glúteos
- Head = Cabeza
- Heel = Talón
- Hip = Cadera
- Knee = Rodilla
- Leg = Pierna
- Lung = Pulmón
- Mind = Mente
- Muscles = Músculos
- Neck = Cuello
- Patella = Rótula
- Pectoral = Pectoral
- Pelvis = Pelvis
- Quadriceps = Cuadríceps
- Rib = Costilla
- Shoulders = Hombros
- Spine = Columna
- Stomach = Estómago
- Toe = Dedo del pie
- Torso = Torso
- Triceps = Triceps
- Waist = Cintura

3.- Useful Words

- Age = Edad
- Backward = Hacia atrás (movimiento)
- Breathing = Respiración
- Center Of Gravity (COG) = Centro de gravedad
   (sénter of gráviti)
- Circle = Círculo
- Compensation = Compensación
- Concentration = Concentración
- Contraction = Contracción
- Costal = Costado
- Coordination = Coordinación
- Core = Núcleo
- Cross-Training = Entrenamiento cruzado
   (kros tréinin)
- Energy = Energía
- Exercise = Ejercicio
- Fatigue = Fatiga
- Flat = Plano, liso
- Flow = Flujo
- Full-Body Integration (FBI) = Integración de todo el cuerpo
   (ful bádi integréishon)
- Flexibility = Flexibilidad
- Flexion = Flexión
- Forward = Hacia adelante (movimiento)
- Hamstring = Tendón tras de la rodilla
- Harmony = Armonía
- Hollow = Espacio vacío, agujero
- Intensity = Intensidad
- Kick = Patada, patear
- Mat = Tapete, estera
- Meditation = Meditación
- Movement = Movimiento
- Posture = Postura
- Principle = Principio, fundamento
- Relaxation = Relajación
- Repetition = Repetición
- Resistance = Resistencia
- Reverse = Revers@
- Rotation = Rotación
- Routine = Rutina
- Sequence = Secuencia
- Session = Sesión
- Side = Lado
- Single = Solo
- Stand = De pie
- Step = Paso
- Straightening = Enderezamiento
- Stretching = Extensión, expansión
- Symmetry = Simetría, armonía
- Teaser = Rompecabezas
- Trunk = Tronco
- Twist = Giro, girar
- Warm-up = Calentamiento, ejercicios previos
   (uórm ap)

4.- Verbs

- Align = Alinear
- Assist = Ayudar
- Bend = Doblar
- Breath in = Aspirar
   (bríz in)
- Breath out = Expirar
   (bríiz out)
- Contract = Contraer
- Lie down = Tumbar(se), echar(se)
   (lái dáun)
- Lift = Elevar
- Cool-down = Enfriar
   (kuul dáun)
- Follow = Seguir, continuar
- Glide = Deslizar
- Open = Abrir
- Peel off = Despegar(se)
   (píil of)
- Place = Posicionar, colocar
- Pull = Tirar
- Pump down = Desinflar
   (pamp dáun)
- Pump up = Inflar, bombear
   (pámp ap)
- Push = Empujar
- Relax = Relajar(se)
- Roll down = Rodar hacia abajo
   (rol dáun)
- Roll over = Girar alrededor
   (rol óuva)
- Roll up = Enroscar(se)
   (rol ap)
- Row = Remar
- Run = Correr
- Split = Dividir, separar
- Stretch = Extender
- Tilt = Inclinar
- Walk = Caminar
- Work = Trabajar

5.- Some Instructions

NOTA 2.- Las siguientes son ejemplos de instrucciones de diversos ejercicios, por lo que NO pertenecen a ninguno en concreto NI siguen secuencias específicas.

- Lie down on the mat = Túmbese sobre el tapete.
   (lái dáun on de mat)

- Place the arms by the side of the body = Coloque los brazos al lado del cuerpo.
   (pléis di árms bái de sáid of de bádi)

- Relax the feet, the back and the neck = Relaje los pies, la espalda y el cuello.
   (riláks de fiit, de bak and de nek)

- Reach the fingers toward the feet = Alcance los pies con los dedos.
   (ríich de finguers tóuard de fiit)

- Relax the muscles of the face = Relaje los músculos de la cara.
   (riláks de másels of de féis)

- Move with efficiency, flow, precision, and harmony = Muévase con eficiencia, flujo, precisión y armonía.
 (múf uíz efísiensi, flóu, presíshon and jármoni)

- Tilt the pelvis slightly = Incline la pelvis ligeramente.
   (tilt de pélvis sláitli)

- Bend the knees = Doble las rodillas.
   (bend de níis)

- Draw in the abdominal muscles = Contraiga los músculos del abdómen.
   (dró in di abdóminal másels

- Articulate the spine = Articule la columna.
   (artíkiuléit di spáin)

- Perform this exercise with a single leg lifted = Ejecute este ejercicio con un solo pie elevado.
   (perfórm dis éksersais uíz a sínguel leg lífted)

- Rotate the spine = Gire la columna.
   (rotéit di spáin)

- Contract the abdominals = Contraiga los abdominales.
   (kontrákt di abdóminals)

- Move the head, arms, and upper trunk as one unit = Mueva la cabeza, los brazos y la parte superior del tronco, como una sola unidad.
(múf de jed, árms and áper trank as uán iúnir)

- Lift one leg = Eleve una pierna
   (lift uán leg)

- Change leg  / Switch to the other leg = Cambie de pierna / Cambie a la otra pierna.
   (shéinch leg / suích tu thi óder leg)

- Keep the legs straight and together = Mantenga las piernas rectas y juntas.
   (kíip de legs stréit and tuguéder)

- Lower the arms toward the sides of the body until they are parallel to the floor = Baje los brazos hacia los lados del cuerpo hasta que se encuentren paralelos al suelo.
(lóuer di árms tóuard de sáids of de bádi ántil déi ar páralel tu de flóor)

- Pump the arms up and down = Impulse los brazos, arriba y abajo.
   (pámp di árms ap and dáun)

- Peel the spine off the mat = Despegue la columna del tapete.
   (píil di spáin of de mat)

- Roll the spine up to a sitting upright position = Ruede la columna hacia arriba y colóquela en posición de sentad@.
  (rol di spáin ap tu a sítin ápráit posíshon)

- Put your hands behind the head and rotate the trunk = Ponga sus manos detrás de la cabeza y gire el tronco.
 (Put iór jands bijáin de jed and rotéit de trank)

- Initiate the roll-down and roll-up with deep lumbar flexion = Inicie el enroscamiento con una profunda flexión lumbar.
 (ínishieit de rol dáun an rol ap uíz díip lúmbar flékshon)

Finalmente, os dejamos un vídeo demostrativo de algunos ejercicios básicos de "Pilates".