domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009


LIVERPOOL is a big industrial city in the north-west of ENGLAND. It is famous for its port and its football clubs too. It is also famous because the members of a very important group, THE BEATLES, are from here.
JOHN WINSTON LENNON is born in LIVERPOOL on october 9th 1940. His father and mother separate when he is very young and JOHN goes to live with his aunt MIMI (sister of his mother) and uncle GEORGE.
In 1956 his aunt MIMI buys him a guitar. He forms the group QUARRYMEN with friends at school.
In 1957 a friend at school introduces JOHN to PAUL McCARTNEY. At the end of the year PAUL introduces JOHN to another student, GEORGE HARRISON.
Between 1957 and 1958 they play in Dance Halls and Clubs in LIVERPOOL.
At the end of 1958 JOHN introduces STUART SUTCLIFFE to the group. They change their name to THE SILVER BEATLES.
In 1959 they meet ALAN WILLIAMS, a concert promotor. WILLIAMS organises a tour of HAMBURG, WEST GERMANY, in 1960 with a new member PETE BEST.
The night before the first show, the HAMBURG police discover that GEORGE is not eighteen years old and order him to leave GERMANY. GEORGE goes to ENGLAND ad JOHN, PAUL, STUART and PETE return in december.
In 1961 they begin to play at the Cavern Club in LIVERPOOL. In june they make their first record MY BONNIE with TONY SHERIDAN.
One day BRIAN EPSTEIN the editor of an important music magazine, goes to the Cavern and hears THE BEATLES. After three or four visits he is their manager.
In october 1962 PARLOPHONE RECORD COMPANY accepts their first single. RINGO STARR plays with them. On the 4th november their first song LOVE ME DO is in the charts.
In 1963 they record another single PLEASE, PLEASE ME and the album WITH THE BEATLES.
In 1964 they go to U.S.A. on tour. They return to ENGLAND and make their first film A HARD DAY'S NIGHT.
In 1965 the UK Government gives them the MBE.
In 1966 they record their new lp REVOLVER.
In 1967 they make their second film HELP, and they record the lp SERGEANT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND. People start to say that THE BEATLES are interested in drugs. And many people study the words of the songs, for example LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS (LSD).
In 1967 they make the peace song ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. In september, BRIAN EPSTEIN dies. Soon after, they make the film MAGICAL MISTERY TOUR. In december they form APPLE, the BEATLES' recording company.
In 1968 they go to INDIA to see MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI and they study oriental religions.
There are problems in the group. JOHN makes a record separately with YOKO ONO. APPLE has financial problems.
In 1969 APPLE records many songs but releases them in 1970 in the lp LET IT BE. The group makes a film of the same name. In august THE BEATLES make their last album together.
At the beginning of 1970, McCARTNEY abandons the group and JOHN, GEORGE and RINGO begin individual careers. PAUL forms a new group PAUL McCARTNEY and the WINGS. JOHN makes two famous albums, IMAGINE and DOUBLE FANTASY. GEORGE makes MY SWEET LORD and RINGO makes YOU'RE SIXTEEN.
On december 8th 1980 LENNON is assassinated in NEW YORK. In 1985 his son JULIAN LENNON makes the song IT'S MUCH TOO LATE FOR GOODBYE.
Today many years after the end of the group, everybody recognises them as the most important group in the history of Modern POP and ROCK 'N' ROLL music.

NOTA : Para una mejor comprensión de esta lectura, tendremos en cuenta la GRAMÁTICA

                                                                        GRAMÁTICA :


Se utilizan para indicar la pertenencia o posesión de algunos objetos, personas o cosas. Son los siguientes :

I - My (mi)
YOU - Your (tu/su)
HE - His (su masculino)
SHE - her (su femenino)
IT - Its (sin apóstrofe) (su- objeto, animal)
WE - Our (nuestro)
YOU - Your (vuestro)
They - Their (su - ellos)

                                                                        DO  -  DOES

Verbo auxiliar utilizado en el tiempo presente.

NOTA : Para formar el presente podemos seguir la siguiente fórmula:


Ejemplo :

* LIVERPOOL is a big industrial city

DO -DOES se conjuga de la siguiente manera:

I - DO

Se utiliza tanto como verbo principal, como también verbo auxiliar.
Como verbo principal significa HACER. No confundir con el verbo MAKE que quiere decir CONSTRUIR.
Como auxiliar se utiliza tanto en preguntas y negaciones donde NO se use el verbo TO BE. Ejemplos :

* Do you speak ENGLISH?
(du iú spík ínglish)
No, I don't
(no ái dont)

* Does he play the piano?
(das ji pléi de piano?)
Yes, he does
(iés ji das)

Don't es la suma de DO + NOT. Nótese también que DON'T niega tanto el verbo como el COMPLEMENTO de la pregunta.
DOES se utiliza ÚNICAMENTE para la tercera persona del singular.
Cuando afirmamos, no usamos los verbos auxiliares pero :

* I speak ENGLISH

* He plays the piano

IMPORTANTE : En la 3ra persona del singular, en AFIRMACIONES, los verbos principales
SIEMPRE llevan "S" al final.
TRUCO : Recordar este último punto.


1.- To introduce = presentar a (alguien)
2.- Discover = descubrir
3.- Leave = abandonar, dejar
4.- Hear = oir
5.- Listen = escuchar (con atención)
6.- Return = retornar
7.- MBE = Member of the British Empire = Miembro del Imperio Británico
8.- To Die = morir
9.- Assassinate = asesinar
10.- Recognise = reconocer
11.- Aunt = tia
12.- Uncle = tio

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