domingo, 17 de marzo de 2024

Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) - Steve Harley And Cockney Rebel

1.- Historia

El cantante y compositor inglés Steve Harley, fue conocido por su banda Cockney Rebel, formada a inicios de los años 70. El éxito que los hizo conocidos fuera de las islas británicas fue "Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me)" de 1975.

2.- Lyrics

You've done it all

You've broken every code

And pulled the rebel to the floor

You spoiled the game

No matter what you say

For only metal, what a bore

Blue eyes, blue eyes

How come you tell so many lies?

(Chorus 1)

Come up and see me, make me smile

Or do what you want, running wild

There's nothing left

All gone and run away

Maybe you'll tarry for a while

It's just a test

A game for us to play

Win or lose, it's hard to smile

Resist, resist

It's from yourself you have to hide, oh

(Repeat Chorus 1)

There ain't no more

You've taken everything

From my belief in Mother Earth

Can you ignore

My faith in everything?

'Cause I know what faith is and what it's worth

Away, away

And don't say maybe you'll try

(Repeat Chorus 1) (x2)

3.- Vocabulary

- Pull = Dar un tirón, tirar de

- Spoil = Echar a perder, arruinar, estropear

- Lies = Mentiras

- Smile = Sonreir; Sonrisa

- Wild = Salvaje

- Tarry = Quedar(se), esperar

- Win = Ganar

- Lose = Perder

- Hide = Esconder(se)

- Belief = Creencia

- Faith = Fe

- Worth = Con valor, Valorado

4.- Grammar

a) Present Perfect


- You've done it all = You have done it all.

- you've broken every code = you have broken every code.

b) Simple Past

- You spoiled the game.

c) Simple Present


- It's just a test.

- It's hard to smile.

d) Ain't

Esta forma que NO se considera gramaticalmente correcta, equivale a:

- am, is, are + not

- have, has + not


- There ain't no more = There isn't no more.

5.- Videoclip

domingo, 4 de febrero de 2024


1.- Historia

Un productor alemán llamado Frank Farian fue el responsable de crear un grupo en el cual él no participaba en vivo. Y lo creó en plena época Disco. Integrado por 3 vocalistas femeninas y una voz masculina, la banda obtuvo popularidad sobre todo en Europa. Algunas de sus canciones más importantes son "Rivers Of Babylon", "Daddy Cool", "Ma Baker", "Gotta Go Home", "Rasputin" y "Sunny" (Cover de Bobby Hebb), entre otros.

Uno de los últimos retos de baile de la red Tik Tok, incluye esta canción del grupo Boney M.


2.- Lyrics

There lived a certain man

in Russia long ago

He was big and strong,

in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people looked at him

with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks

he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the Bible

like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he also was

the kind of teacher

Women would desire



Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that

really was gone


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame

how he carried on

He ruled the Russian land

and never mind the Czar

But the kazachok he danced

really wunderbar

In all affairs of state

he was the man to please

But he was real great

when he had a girl to squeeze

For the queen

he was no wheeler dealer

Though she'd heard

the things he'd done

She believed

he was a holy healer

Who would heal her son

(Repeat Chorus)

But when his drinking and lusting

And his hunger for power

Became known to more and more people

The demands to do something

About this outrageous man

Became louder and louder

"This man's just got to go",

declared his enemies

But the ladies begged,

"Don't you try to do it, please"

No doubt this Rasputin had

lots of hidden charms

Though he was a brute,

they just fell into his arms

Then one night some men of higher standing

Set a trap, they're not to blame

"Come to visit us", they kept demanding

And he really came

Ra-ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian queen

They put some poison into his wine

Ra-ra Rasputin

Russia's greatest love machine

He drank it all and said, "I feel fine"


Lover of the Russian queen

They didn't quit, they wanted his head


Russia's greatest love machine

And so they shot him 'til he was dead

Oh, those Russians

3.- Vocabulario

- Certain = Tal, cierto

- Flaming = En llamas, acalorado

- Glow = Brillar, rebosar, estar candente

- Fear = Miedo, temor

- Chicks = Chicas

- Preach = Predicar

- Ecstasy = Éxtasis

- Kind = Tipo, clase

- Desire = Deseo

- Shame = Vergüenza

- Rule = Gobernar (V.); Norma, regla

- Affair = Asunto; Aventura amorosa

- State = Estado

- Squeeze = Apretar, estrujar

- Wheeler Dealer = Trapichero/a

- Holy = Santo, sagrado/a

- Heal = Curar

- Lusting = Deseo intenso

- Demand = Demandar, pedir

- Outrageous = Escandaloso, extravagante

- Declare = Declarar

- Beg = Mendigar, suplicar

- Try = Intentar

- Hidden = Escondido/a

- Charm = Encanto

- Brute = Bruto

- Trap = Trampa

- Poison = Veneno

- Quit = Dejar, abandonar

*** Wunderbar = Maravilloso/a (Alemán)

4.- Gramática

a) Simple Past


There lived a certain man

He was big and strong

b) Past Participle


Though she'd heard the things he'd done.

c) Phrasal Verbs


- Carried on = Carry on = Continuar

- Fell into = Fall into = Caer en algo (trampa)

5.- Videoclip

domingo, 28 de enero de 2024


Continuamos con nuestra serie dedicada a CONVERSATION QUESTIONS. En esta ocasión preguntas sobre "mascotas".

I.- If you have a pet

1.- Do you have a pet?

2.- How old is it?

3.- Where did you get it from?

4.- Who takes care of it?

5.- What does it look like (color, breed, etc.)?

6.- Do you play with it?

7.- What is it's name?

8.- How did you choose this name?

9.- Do you ever talk to your pet?

10.- Do you love your pet?

II.- If you don't have a pet

1.- Would you ever consider getting a pet?

2.- Have you ever had a pet?

3.- Have you ever had any pets?

4.- If you don't keep pets, please explain why?

III.- More questions

1.- What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?

2.- What is the best pet to own?

3.- What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

4.- Do you prefer dogs or cats?

lunes, 22 de enero de 2024


En el uso diario de nuestro idioma, utilizamos -consciente o inconscientemente- algunas palabras en inglés.

Esta es una pequeña lista de palabras en inglés que usamos día a día, y un ejemplo en cada una de ellas, para una mejor comprensión.

1.- Brainstorming = Intercambio de ideas

- En la reunión de empresa hicimos un brainstorming.

2.- Coach = Entrenador, profesor. Autocar

- Ser buen coach es lo que importa.

3.- Customer = Cliente
- Esta empresa tiene customers de varios países.

4.- Ebook = Libro electrónico
- Prefiero el libro de papel al ebook.

5.- Email = Correo electrónico
- Te respondo por email.

6.- Fake news = Noticia(s) falsa(s)
- No suelo leer fake news.

7.- Follower = Seguidor
- Tengo que conseguir más followers!

8.- Friendly = Amigable
- El ambiente es muy friendly.

9.- Gamer = Jugador, especialmente de videojuegos
- John es un gamer.

10.- Healthy = Saludable
- Este producto es Healthy.

11.- Hobby = Pasatiempo o afición
- ¿Cuál es tu hobby?

12.- Manager = Director
- El manager me dijo que me iba a aumentar el sueldo.

13.- Mood = Humor, ánimo
- No estoy de buen mood.

14.- Newsletter = Boletín Informativo
- Cada semana le llegará un Newsletter.

15.- Outfit = Vestimenta
- Mira este nuevo outfit.

16.- Post = Artículo, publicación
- ¿Has leído mi último post?

17.- Shock = Conmoción, sorpresa
La noticia me dejó en shock.

18.- Spoiler = Arruinar, echar a perder
- Matt nos hizo un spoiler de la película.

19.- Storytelling = Narración
- En la biblioteca se desarrolló una actividad de storytelling para niños.

20.- Tip = Truco, consejo
- A continuación, una serie de tips de belleza.

viernes, 12 de enero de 2024



En nuestro día a día, utilizamos sin darnos cuenta, algunas palabras que provienen del inglés y que incluso, se llegan a escribir casi igual.

En este artículo, enumeramos algunas y le adjuntamos la definición en inglés.

1.- Fútbol = Football

A game played by 2 teams of eleven players using a round ball.

2.- Cóctel = Cocktail

A mixed alcoholic drink. It can also be made without alcohol.

3.- Bistec = Beef steak

A thick slice of meat.

4.- Vagón = Wagon

A truck for carrying goods.

5.- Suéter = Sweater

A knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of the body.

6.- Champú = Shampoo

Liquid soap for washing hair.

7.- Gol = Goal

A frame with a net. The act of kicking the ball into the goal.

8.- Líder = Leader

A person who is in charge of something.

9.- Mitin = Meeting

When people come together to discuss or decide something.

10.- Pudin = Pudding

A sweet dish usually eaten at the end of a meal.

11.- Estatus = Status

The legal position of a person, group or country.

12.- Estándar = Standard

Level of quality.

13.- Túnel = Tunnel

A passage built underground.

14.- Drenaje = Drainage

The process by which water or liquid waste is drained from an area.

15.- Táper = Tupperware

Plastic containers used mainly for storing food.