domingo, 5 de julio de 2015


1.- Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

a) I had bought / bought the wine when they called me. I didn't know they wanted wine !

b) I had bought / bought the wine when they called me. So, I told them we didn't need any more.

c) I haven't talked to him since / for a long time.

d) They are learning English to please / for pleasing their parents.

e) This is a machine for milking / milks cows.

f) A waiter is a person what / who works in a restaurant.

g) This is the cinema which / where I saw my first film.

h) This is the student whose / that mother wanted to talk to you.

i) I will / would call you if I needed your help.

j) He said / told me that he wasn't angry.

k) You are such / so nice children !

l) It was such a / so big sandwich that we couldn't eat it all.

m) It was such a / so incredible person !

n) I would like going / to go on a holiday before the summer.

o) They'd enjoy playing / to play with their causins.

p) You need to take / make an exam at the end of the year.

q) Have you got central heatting / heating?

r) He referred / refered to his last visit to Mexico.

2.- Complete the sentences with When, As Soon As, While.

a) ___ they arrived in their room, they took off their shoes.

b) They had breakfast ___ they were waiting for the taxi.

c) I really don't care what shoes you buy. I will look in the sports department ___ you try on the last three pairs.

d) Come and find me ___ you finish.

e) She phoned her family _ she knew the results of the test.

3.- Use the cues to make complete sentences.

a) When / she / arrive / home / he / already / leave

b) I / call / you / before / plane / leave

c) A vet / person / look after / animals

d) This / is / place / we / said / we / going to / meet

e) They / want / money / buy / new house

4.- In each case, complete the second sentence so that it retains the same meaning as the first sentence. Write ONE word in each gap.

a) They killed him because they wanted to steal his money.
     They killed him ___ ___ his money

b) "When do you finish work?", he said.
     He wanted to know when ___ ___ ___.

c) You don't love her because you don't want her to be happy.
     If you ___ ___ ___ ___ __ her to be happy.

d) "Don't take my car", he said.
    He told me ___ ___ ___ his car.

e) "We'll see you tomorrow", they said.
    They said ___ ___ ___ ___ us next week.

f) "Put the suitcase in the car", she asked me.
    She told ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the car.

g) They are such cute babies !
     These babies ___ ___ cute !

5.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

Get Up - Give Up - Go Down - Look After - Look For - Look Forward To

a) We usually ___ at ten at the weekends.

b) I'm ___ a new pair of shoes for the party.

c) He doesn't smoke anymore. He ___ two months ago.

d) I am really ___ seen you again.

e) Our neighbours ___ our fish when we go on holiday.

f) The price of petrol is finally ___.

6.- Complete the text by putting one word in each gap.

I was sitting in the living-room ___ I heard a strange noise upstairs. I was alone in the house, so I knew it wasn't the children. I ___ off the TV and went ___ the stairs. ___ I entered my bedroom, I noticed that something was wrong. The floor was ___ cold ! I switched ___ the lights __ check that the windows were closed. Then I saw ___ there was water on the floor. ___ strange ! Finally, I heard a meow. It was Fuzzy, the cat. It ___ always doing this kind of things. Once he _y favourite vase and I was tempted to kick ___ out of the house. But, of course, I ___.

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