1.- Historia
El productor norteamericano Louis Jay Pearlman creó en los noventas grupos de chicos como este. Ante la fama alcanzada por NKOTB, algunos productores intentaron hacer lo mismo. Lou Pearlman atrajo la atención de jóvenes en busca de una oportunidad en el mundo de la música, mediante un anuncio de búsqueda de nuevos artistas. Backstreet Boys estaba compuesto (como NKOTB) por 5 chicos y sus canciones fueron creadas por compositores profesionales.
Fuente : http://the-music-history.blogspot.com/
2.- Lyrics
Empty spaces fill me up with hopes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess
I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete
Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby it's written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake
Repeat chorus
I don't mean to drag it on
But I can't seem to let you go
I don't want to make you face this world alone
I want to let you go
Repeat chorus
3.- Vocabulario
- Empty = Vacío
- Fill up = Llenar
- Within = Dentro
- Guess = Adivinar
- Go on = Continuar
- Awake = Despierto
- Unbroken = Intacto
- Carry on = Continuar
- Written = Escrito
- Wonder = Preguntar(se)
- Drag = Alargarse, Hacerse interminable.
- To face = Encarar, afrontar.
4.- Gramática
a) Presente Simple
La mayor parte de la letra está en este tiempo verbal. Ejemplos :
- Empty spaces fill me up with hopes.
- I'm awake but my world is half asleep.
- Voices tell me I should carry on.
- I want to let you go.
b) Presente Continuo
- I am swimming in an ocean all alone.
c) Pasado Simple
- I tried to go on like I never knew you.
d) "Going To" Futuro
- But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete.
5.- Videoclip
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