Las "Cadences" son cánticos o rimas hechos por grupos de corredores, especialmente militares y similares.
En esta ocasión, vamos a utilizar algunas de estas rimas para mejorar nuestra pronunciación. Para ello hemos seleccionado 5 rimas de diferentes grupos de militares.
NOTA.- Podemos utilizar algunas al hacer ejercicios como correr o trotar. También podemos crear algunas propias con el vocabulario y la gramática que conocemos, según nuestro nivel.
1.- Basic Training (Air Force Running Cadence)
Through the desert and across the plains
Steaming jungles and tropic rains
No mortal foe can stop me now
This is gonna be my solemn vow
I have honor and I have pride
Winning serves me as my guide
This Air Force shocks its enemies
Brings them crashing to their knees
Basic Training is plenty rough
To make it through you must be tough
a) Pronunciación
- plains (pléins) = rains (réins)
- now ( náo) = vow (váo)
- pride (práid) = guide (gáid)
- enemies (énemis) = knees (níis)
- rough (ráf) = tough (táf)
b) Vocabulario
- Jungle = Selva
- Foe = Enemigo
- gonna = going to
- Vow = Promesa, juramento (N) / Prometer, juramentar (V)
Air Force = Fuerza Aérea
2.- Back In 1775 – (Marine Running Cadence)
Back In 1775
My Marine Corps Came Alive
First There Came The Color Gold
To Show The World That We Are Bold
Then There Came The Color Blue
To Show The World That We Are True
Then There Came the Color Red
To Show The World The Blood We have
Then There Came The Color White
To Show The World That We Can Fight
Then There Came The Color Green
To Show The World That We Are Mean
a) Pronunciación
- 5 (fáiv) = Alive (aláiv)
- Gold (góld) = Bold (bóld)
- Blue (blú) = True (trú)
- Red (réd) = have (jév)*
NOTA.- Esta rima es de USA, por lo tanto la pronunciación de "have" es "jév". En inglés británico suena "jáv". La "J" muy suave, por cierto.
- White (uáit) = Fight (fáit)
- Green (grín) = Mean (mín)
b) Vocabulario
- Bold = Valiente, audaz
- Blood = Sangre
- Fight = Pelear
- Mean = Extraordinario
3.- What do you want to Be? (Navy Running Cadence)
When I was in first grade my teacher said to me
Whatcha gonna do boy, whatcha gonna be
A policeman, a fireman, a football star
You got a lot a’ talent boy, your gonna go far
I wanna be a pilot
Gonna be a pilot
Flyin’ for the Navy
That’s what I’m gonna be.
When I was in high school my teacher said to me
Whatcha gonna do boy, whatcha gonna be
A doctor, a lawyer, an engineer
You know you’re gonna go really far from here
I wanna be a pilot
Gonna be a pilot
Flyin’ for the Navy
That’s what I’m gonna be.
a) Pronunciación
- Me (mi) = be (bi)
- star (stár) = far (fár)
- engineer (enyiníar) = here (jíar)
b) Vocabulario
- Whatcha gonna do = What are you going to do = ¿Qué vas a hacer?
- Whatcha gonna be = What are you going to be = ¿Qué vas a ser?
- Wanna = Want to = Querer
- A lot a' talent = A lot of talent = Mucho talento
- Lawyer = Abogado
- Navy = Marina
4.- Mamma Mamma (Army Running Cadence)
Mama mama can’t you see,
what the army’s done to me.
They put me in a barber’s chair,
spun me around I had no hair.
Mama mama can’t you see,
what the army’s done to me.
They took away my favorite jeans,
now I’m wearing army greens.
Mama mama can’t you see,
what the army’s done to me.
I used to date beauty queens,
now I love my M16.
Mama mama can’t you see,
what the army’s done to me.
I used to drive a Cadillac,
now I carry one on my back.
a) Pronunciación
- see (sí) = me (mi)
- chair (chér) = hair (jér)
- jeans (yíns) = greens (gríns)
- queens (kuíns) = 16 (sixtín)
- Cadillac (kádilac) = on my back (on mái bák)
b) Vocabulario
- Barber = Peluquero
- spun = spin = girar
- took away = take away = Quitar
- Army = Ejército
- To date = Salir con alguien (sentimentalmente)
5.- No Sweat (Army Running Cadence)
One mile – No Sweat
Two mile – Better yet
Three miles – Gotta run
Four miles – Just for fun
Come on – Let’s go
We can go – Through the snow
We can run – To the sun
We train – In the rain
Can you be – Like me?
Airborne – Infantry
a) Pronunciación
- Sweat = (suét) = yet (iét)
- run (ran) = fun (fan)
- go (góu) = snow (snóu)
- run (ran) = sun (san)
- train (tréin) = rain (réin)
- be (bi) = me (mi) = infantry (infantrí)
b) Vocabulario
- Sweat = Sudar
- Gotta = Got to
- Infantry = Infantería
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